Saturday, January 23, 2016


                                                   THE THREE SISTERS

 Today I would like to tell about the three ladies .
 Who are always inspired me in each and every stage of my life and inspiring.
 And i knew them since my birth.... 

                                                                                                     First one I call her Mathematician, who is

 Loyal Smart,
 Interested in Daily soaps, 
 Master in Chess,
 Likes suspense and crime shows on television ,
 Her anger so expensive that no one can afford it,  
 Solute to her patience, 
"Hum Apke hai kaun " her last watched movie I can say (sees every time as it is coming on television twice a      week), 
 Interested in Ramayana and Mahabharata, 
 Interested in coin collection, 
 Many kind of mobiles she had (not because she's interested in them, she lost many of them), 
 she makes Ragi roti awesome.., 
If she is a Guide/Teacher she might be a maths or science I can say.

                                                                                                    Second one is miss talented 

She is 
A stubborn 
A painter 
A blogger 
A writer Singer and dancer 
Interested in fashion 
A good cook 
Did not see watching television 
A good speaker made lots of speeches and got lots of prizes (don't know how many) 
She and mathematics are like water and oil 
Was RJ, News reader, participated in cookery show, have YouTube channel about cooking, 
Sometimes she is dangerous when she is irritated, 
eats a lot when she is in stress, 
Famous celebrity in her school days and in degree days 
She hated her PU days due to one subject maths 
If she is a Guide/Teacher she might be English teacher. 

                                                                                                      Third one is Ajaata Shatru
                                                                                                   (one who don't have enemies) 
An athlete(runner, best ko ko player) 
Good dancer  
Have many friends 
A team player in many vacation 
Knows real value of any relationship, 
Good cook, 
Passionate in purchasing clothes 
Take care of every one (didn't see hurting people) 
She is like water adopt to situations 
She is an observer, catches/knows/reads people's mind 
Sometimes a drama Queen, 
Elders favorite, 
Takes good and bad equally,. 
She makes her life easy no complications, 
If she is a Guide/ Teacher she would be definitely a social /moral teacher.

                                         All the three are Successful in their own ways... Leading their lives Independently                                                                                                                                     with leadership.

 And i can Proudly tell that They are My Sisters  

 (pic courtesy: Internet)

A sister is second mother to a younger brother and
 I have three.. 
Who needs therapists ?
 I have 3, I have sisters.
 “An older sister is a friend and defender – a listener, conspirator, a counselor and a sharer of delights.
 And sorrows too.”

 Thank you Keep visiting,

“I think women are foolish to pretend they are equal to men, 

they are far superior and always have been.”

― William Golding

Women are Angels. 
And when Someone breaks their wings, 
They simply continue to fly.... 
On a broomstick. 
They are flexible like that